Leaving the nest

A year and a half ago, my youngest moved out. It was time, she was grown and working. Most of her friends had moved out of the nest years ago. Her brother had left years ago, and both my husband and I survived. As father time creeped up upon us all, I remembered a poem  I had written many years ago while she was a teenager. I would like to share it with you now. It is especially for the parents who are facing the end of their children’s childhood.

My childern of yesterday.


Letting Go

My mind tells me I must let , although my heart resist.  The object of my clinging heart, will never know how much she’s missed.

I never truly realized my mother’s great sacrifice. But now with my own daughter, I pay the difficult price.

My mom and I were as close as a mother and daughter could be. She was a loving mother who took such pride in me.

I did  my best to for-fill her modest expectations. Although my dirty bedroom did often test her patience.

She said ” You will go to college” of that there was no doubt. She supported all my dreams to help me take that route.

But I never realized the price till now, she paid. When she packed me off to college and sent me far away.

The loneliness she must have felt, she never said a word. And when I finally married only jubilation was heard.

Now my own dear daughter is yearning to stretch her wings and grow. I know it’s only natural, but at times I must say NO!

I know that villain father time will all to soon take her away, But as I rise each morning, I pray, ” Father not Today!”

My children of today.



Cherish your children while they are young, they grow up much too fast.

~ by scribe312 on February 22, 2013.

5 Responses to “Leaving the nest”

  1. Yvonne,

    How sweet and precious!!

    Connie b.

  2. Beautiful

  3. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings. I hope you have a good evening.

  4. Connie, thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog. I am so glad you liked what you read. Have a great evening.

  5. I couldn’t see the poem. ? ? ?

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